All fl ights arrive at the Yelizovo city airport. The airport is situated in 30km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy and in 25 km from Paratunka resort region, a popular place for accommodation and rest among arriving tourists. You can get to Petropavlovsk or Paratunka by regular transport or order individual transfer.

The most popular hotels and resorts in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky are:
«Avacha»***, «Petropavlovsk»***, «Dolche vita»***, «Klyuch hotel»***, «Arsenyev»***, «Commandor»***.

Hotels in Paratunka region:
«Bel-Kam-Tur»****, «Antarius»***, «Lagoon complex»***, «Gelios»**, «Flamingo»**.

All hotels and resorts of Paratunka region have own open-air swimming-pools with hot thermal water. People can swim there all the year round.

Please, note that the star level of Kamchatka hotels differs from that in Europe and in other parts of Russia. The service level is lower than anywhere else.

There are many hostels was opened in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky last years. It's cheapest than live in hotel. But you should be ready to share your room with other tourists. 

You could book any apartment on
Kamchatka climate is changeable. It is peculiar due to the local relief, great extension of the peninsular from north to south, closeness to the ocean and cyclones.
The summer here is very short, in some regions it lasts for two months only, especially in the northern part of the region and mountains.Average temperatures in many parts do not exceed 10-15°С above zero. Hot days are very few. Days with the temperature of and more can last for no more than 2-3 weeks in the coastal parts. In some more distant parts from the sea the number of such days sharply increases. The warmest month in coastal regions is July, in central part of the peninsular – August. Warm days come in turns with rainy days. During the warm period there is more precipitation than during the cold season. Thunderstorm clouds form rather seldom because there is not enough warmth with  such humidity. Due to the closeness of the ocean and mountainous relief temperatures can vary from +25 in valleys to +5 in mountains during one day. At the end of August – beginning of September the fi rst snow appears on the tops of volcanoes, and at their foothill the night temperature can fall under zero.

We are in the register of tour operators LLC Travel company "Kamchatintur" RTO 006765